The "Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Ammolite" book!
Once we started to find Ammolite in Utah, we were extremely excited - after all, we knew it was very valuable... but as many rock hounds know, finding the stone can be just the beginning of the process. (Even diamonds aren't nearly as valuable raw as they are once they are cut.)
However, unlike processing other gem stones, there was virtually NO information available about what to do with Ammolite once you found it (or bought it). Nothing on how to separate the shell from the host rock, how to harden and protect the shell, nor how to make it into jewelry. It is such a new stone on the market, there just wasn't anything published yet.
Fortunately for the rest of us, Gale played "mad scientist" in his basement and kitchen, and through trial and error, and lots of experimenting, came up with the best ways to process Ammolite. (He even found out it is very similar to the processes the large Ammolite producers use - he's just broken it down and made it simple for people like us to do at home.) And better yet - he wrote it all down for us to have access to it!
Go to one of our websites to purchase the book on sale!